< News Release

Madrid, Spain, March 26, 2024

Furukawa Electric has announced its agreement with Movistar, in which the telecommunications company will employ InvisiLight technology by OFS to provide its customers easy-to-install, 高性能光纤,保护建筑物和环境的外观.

InvisiLight解决方案可以将几乎不可见的光纤部署到住宅或企业的ONT中,安装简单,对周围环境的干扰或破坏最小. Movistar chose InvisiLight for its Fiber to the Room (FTTR) solution, 它将光纤(点对点回程)传输到大楼的不同位置, such as rooms and offices, without altering the look of the surroundings.

该协议将使Movistar能够为客户提供具有广泛覆盖范围和光纤长期优势的最佳宽带连接. “在建筑物或地板上设置Wi-Fi的一个关键挑战是保证家庭所有部分都有良好的信号, especially when there are internal walls, metal structures, insulation, stairs, or buildings with several floors. 尽管可能使用中继器或放大器,但信号质量和带宽很容易丢失. 这正是Telefónica寻求解决的障碍,并选择了InvisiLight解决方案,” explains Diego Martín, Furukawa Electric commercial manager for EMEA.

将这一解决方案纳入其产品组合,使Movistar能够吸引新客户,这要归功于它的谨慎, high-quality fiber optic offering. 与竞争对手相比,它还凭借优越的网络容量帮助留住了现有用户. 这使得高速互联网等服务的扩展成为可能, with lower latency for gaming and pay TV, which opens up new revenue opportunities. Additionally, the InvisiLight solution ensures simpler, faster installation for both the operator and the end-user.

At the same time, the end customer will experience better connection quality, enjoy super-high speed in any corner of their home, 并利用需要高连接和带宽的新技术, such as smart home (IoT) devices.

“有了高科技,用户将能够为未来做好准备. 光纤基础设施是高度通用的,能够处理不断增长的带宽需求, 使其成为虚拟现实等新兴技术的未来选择, the Internet of Things (IoT), and high-definition broadcasting,” says Rodrigo Sanchez, Global Account Manager for Telefónica Group at Furukawa Electric.

The end customer will also benefit from improved connection quality, super-fast speed throughout their home, 以及使用需要高连接和带宽的新技术的能力, such as smart home (IoT) devices.

“用户可以用高科技让他们的家为未来做好准备. 光纤基础设施具有很强的适应性,可以处理不断增长的带宽需求, 使其成为虚拟现实等新兴技术的未来选择, the Internet of Things (IoT), and high-definition broadcasting,” says Rodrigo Sanchez, Global Account Manager for Telefónica Group at Furukawa Electric.

In addition, 足够的宽带从根本上支持在家工作的专业人士,他们必须在联网的家庭中使用不同的设备或额外的设备. 不需要断开任何设备由于信号质量损失, users can reconcile family and professional life. It also makes a fundamental difference for heavy users, such as gamers and streamers, as InvisiLight avoids latency and bandwidth loss issues.

“InvisiLight allows the signal to bend around the corners, like those in hallways, that regular fiber cannot cope with without signal loss. Thanks to the characteristics of this type of fiber, the connection can be taken to various points in the house, 根据需要安装一个或多个路由器,并保持主路由器的质量,以确保没有信号丢失. All in a very discreet, non-invasive way and with an installation in just over 60 minutes,” Diego Martín continues.

In addition to the solution chosen by Telefónica (InvisiLight), Furukawa Solutions has another option, the InvisiLight Facade Solution, 它试图解决布线或可见外部管道的老问题, 有了一种新的方法:它使光纤几乎不可见,为一栋楼的多个客户提供光纤. 它的快速安装允许从建筑外部直接进入生活区. 此外,它的紧凑的尺寸和谨慎的外观被房东和租户所接受. 它是为下一代sop准备的,不需要升级布线.

In the era of digital transformation, 光纤是主要的连接介质,也是巩固物联网(IoT)和未来智慧城市的关键基础设施要素.

In this new generation of the Internet, virtual reality, streaming, 多种服务的远程管理越来越多地出现在人们的生活中, demanding the best connectivity.

In this scenario, 光纤是唯一能够提供1Gb/s以上速度并满足组织日益苛刻需求的技术, industries, and homes, 以及支持未来几年将在市场上开发的新应用程序. 光纤网络是利用物联网传感器将产生的大量数据的最强大、最有效的手段, 通过商业智能或数据分析工具在所有企业和数据中心进行处理.

Learn more about the Movistar offer here: FTTR Fiber – Movistar

About Furukawa Electric

古川电机是一家通信基础设施解决方案行业,拥有广泛的产品组合,服务于各种市场, such as data Customers, Industries, Workshops, Carriers as data Customers, Industries, Workshops carriers data Customers, Industries, Workshops, Carriers, and Services, among others, at all application levels.

其Furukawa Solutions品牌是几次发展结合的结果, production, and support centers, and support centers distributed around the world, with the strength of the Furukawa Electric group, which has been operating globally for more than 135 years, offering world-class solutions with local support and services.


About OFS | Furukawa Solutions

OFS | Furukawa Solutions is a leading global designer, manufacturer and supplier of optical fiber, fiber optic cable, connectivity, fiber-to-the-subscriber (FTTx) and specialized fiber optic products. 我们将我们的开发和制造资源用于为电信等领域的应用创造解决方案, medicine, industrial networks, sensing, aerospace, defense and energy. OFS | Furukawa Solutions在安装方面具有无与伦比的领先地位, connectivity and hollow-core cable solutions.

Based in Norcross (near Atlanta), Georgia, USA. OFS | Furukawa Solutions是一家全球供应商,在全球不同国家设有办事处和工厂. OFS | Furukawa Solutions is part of Furukawa Electric Group, a multi-million dollar leader in optical communications.

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