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Tag Archive: rollable ribbon cable

  1. Rollable Ribbon’s Most Impressive Features

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    Mark BoxerOFS技术经理,揭示了是什么让Rollable Ribbon如此特别. 为了形成这些带状,纤维在间歇点上部分地相互连接. 这种设计不仅可以实现大规模融合带拼接,而且比平面带更容易实现单个光纤的断开. 可轧制带的优先弯曲平面有利于在较小的闭合和拼接托盘中进行轧制和布线, similar to individual fibers.

    Learn more about Rollable Ribbon 在这里.

    Rollable Ribbon


    Hi. I’m Mark Boxer with OFS. 今天我想谈谈Rollable Ribbon如果你以前没见过它, it is this stuff, so it’s pretty neat. 当它被卷成一个紧密的圆柱体时,它会自己坍塌,所以你可以把它折叠起来.

    然后你也可以很容易地把它分开,抽出一根单独的纤维. So, I’ll do that 和 get a little bit closer. 你可以看到,然后它会弹回原处,这样你就可以再切一次了. So, it splices like a ribbon. It can be rolled very, very tightly, providing the ability of tight fiber density in a very, very small package.

    So, you compare this to a flat ribbon. 这是一条平坦的缎带,所以在不破坏缎带的情况下不可能移动或卷起它. So why this is important really comes back to geometry. So, this is an 864 fiber central to flat ribbon cable. So, if you look at it, 你可以看到在平坦的丝带和管子之间有很多空间.

    And that’s because we’ve got ribbons that are fundamentally rectangles. And the cable is fundamentally a circle. 当你有一个圆和一个矩形时,如果它们不能有效地匹配. If you look at a rollable version of this cable with 864 fibers, 你可以看到在纤维和导管之间没有太多的空间.

    And let me go ahead 和 put both of these side by side. And you can see that this is the flat ribbon 864. This is the rollable 864. Now t在这里’s a significant difference in size between the two.


    我的意思是,日本的NTT把这个概念外包给了不同的公司,这些公司最终把它推向了市场. For the case of Rollable Ribbon OFS parent company, Furukawa是其中一家推出了Rollable Ribbon的公司,所以我们在2010年中期把它带回了市场.

    So t在这里 are so many benefits to Rollable Ribbon. You know, we see it in a lot of different environments, 和 I call this the buffet of benefits using Rollable Ribbon. It’s small. The ribbons themselves are very small so they can be rolled. 这意味着对于给定的尺寸,电缆可以更小更轻.

    That can gives the ability to fit more fiber into smaller ducts. 这意味着更小的手可以在更长的电缆上握住更多的电缆或更少的切片点. And then for aerial installations also since everything’s smaller, also less weight on the pole, less amount of ice to build up. Smaller in general typically makes things easier. 一些客户喜欢它,因为它可以放置在更薄的切片托盘中,从而实现更多的托盘和一个封闭或一个较小的封闭,以满足给定的纤维数量.

    所有这些电缆都不含凝胶,所以更容易准备切片. And of course, these are ribbon. So t在这里 can be mass fusion spliced 12 at a time. 最初的安装主要用于将数据中心连接在一起,因为数据中心使用非常高的光纤数电缆, you know, think of 1728s, 3456s.

    但真正让我兴奋的是在低光纤数的网络中使用可卷带的概念. Including fiber to the home, backbone, 和 distribution networks. For those applications, we have typically used, 在过去,不要使用管式电缆,因为抽出一根单独的光纤来连接用户更容易. 但现在有了Rollable Ribbon,它更容易挑出一根纤维,而不是一根松散的纤维管. 色带或明确标记,纤维的颜色总是要在相同的地方. You just basically pick out whatever you need.

    所以现在电缆可以更小,更容易在现场使用. If you compare these so these 288 fiber count cables. The first is a loose tube. It’s actually pretty big. And this is a flat ribbon cable 288.


    All of these cables are GR20 rated. So you have the same rugged, 粉碎, 影响, 和 tinsel performance that we’ve come to rely on for decades. So give Rollable Ribbon some thoughts for your network. Now you can get the benefits of ribbon slicing when you can use it. Or also single fiber access. You can do either one, whenever or w在这里 ever you need to.

    It can act as a ribbon. 它还可以充当单个光纤,使您可以在更小的包中自由地使用任一平台.

    So overall, 我们认为我们将看到更多的客户在他们的光纤到家庭分销网络中转向可滚动带. And now in the future.

    And that’s what’s new in my world today.

  2. Double the Density by “Rolling in the Fiber”

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    OFS 现在,通过扩展AccuTube®+可卷曲带状电缆产品系列,为用户提供更多方法,使光纤密度翻倍. These new cables with 432, 576 和 864 fibers feature rollable ribbons, the newest fiber optic ribbon design from OFS. These cables are available in 100% gel-free, all-dielectric single jacket 和 light armor constructions.

    Rollable ribbon fiber 光缆是近年来厂外布线领域最令人兴奋的发展之一. 这些电缆可以帮助用户获得大量的时间和成本节省与大规模融合拼接. 与传统的扁平带状电缆设计相比,在给定尺寸的管道中,它们的纤维密度也增加了一倍.

    每个OFS可卷曲带具有12根独立的250µm光纤,这些光纤在预定点部分连接在一起. 这些带可以“卷”成一个灵活和紧凑的束,提供了额外的好处,改进光纤路由和处理在关闭准备.

    这种完全无凝胶的电缆设计也有助于减少拼接准备所需的时间,最多可减少80%. In addition, 这些可卷曲的带状电缆比传统的扁平带状电缆更小,重量至少减少35%. 这种减轻的重量改善了电缆的处理,也有助于缓解安装杆上的张力.

    AccuTube+可卷曲带状电缆产品组合还具有单护套和轻型护套设计的1728根纤维和单护套结构的3456根纤维电缆. 所有这些电缆均满足或超过Telcordia GR-20第4版的要求.

    With its ability to maximize duct utilization, AccuTube+可卷曲带状电缆是连接数据中心的绝佳选择, 和 serving as distribution for dense 以前 or mobile networks. To learn more about these cables, go 在这里在这里.